Grand Rapids Public Museum
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Designs: 8
Last update: 08-18-2018 13:30:28
Address: 272 Pearl St NW, Grand Rapids, MI 49504, USAThere are two machines with four designs each. One is right next to the gift shop and the other is on the second level by the cafe.
7 of the designs have the text "Grand Rapids Public Museum". The designs with that text are: a carousel hourse, the GRPM logo, a biplane, a whale skeleton, a Great Lakes map, a train car, and a sturgeon.
The last design has the text "Roger B. Chaffee Planetarium" and the design is an object orbiting the Earth.
All are 51¢
Updated Grand Rapids Public Museum - zbanks547Updated Grand Rapids Public Museum - zbanks547
Copper Dropper added to system.