Putnam Museum & Science Center
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Designs: 4
Last update: 03-18-2019 16:04:44
Address: 1717 W 12th St, Davenport, IA 52804, USAThe Putnam Museum is a museum of history and natural science in Davenport. The museum was founded in 1867, and was one of the first museums west of the Mississippi River. It houses 160,000 historical artifacts and specimens. It is located on "museum hill," near Fejervary Park. The theatre has one of the largest movie screens in the state of Iowa.
Hours Monday - Saturday 10-5 Sunday noon-5.
The machine is located at the main entrance, near the Museum Store.
Designs are:
1) Bear w/Cubs
2) Pharoah
3) Eagle Head
4) Dinosaur
Updated Putnam Museum & Science Center - thegillionJen added to system.