Hands On! Discovery Center
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Designs: 4
Last update: 09-02-2022 00:10:38
Hands On! moved in 2017 to its current location at the Gray Fossil Site.
Machine is located immediately to the right of the entrance. No admission fee necessary to access machine. Penny should face toward the quarters to press image on reverse. Turn crank slowly for best results.
Designs, 51¢ each:
1) Red Panda - Hands On! Discovery Center, Gray Fossil Site - Gray, TN
2) Hands On! Discovery Center - Gray, TN
3) Mastodon - Hands On! Discovery Center, Gray Fossil Site - Gray, TN
4) Tesla Coils - Hands On! Discovery Center, Gray, TN
The wooly mammoth is a pain to get stamped correctly. The front desk will trade bad ones for good ones - CromagAs of 11/17/22, machine is still available and working properly. - The-Cole
Updated Hands On! Discovery Center - Tr735974
Updated Hands On! Discovery Center - Tr735974
Updated Hands On Regional Museum - Tr735974
Museum & Machine is now in Gray TN - Tr735974
- Tr735974
Copper Dropper added to system.