Island in the Sky Visitor Center
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Grand View Point Road / (Mailing address) 2282 Resource Blvd. Moab, UT
Canyonlands National Park / Moab, UT , 84532-0000
Phone: (435) 259-4712
Canyonlands National Park preserves a colorful landscape eroded into numerous canyons, mesas, and buttes by the Colorado River, the Green River, and their respective tributaries. The park is divided into four districts: the Island in the Sky, the Needles, the Maze, and the combined rivers—the Green and Colorado—which carved two large canyons into the Colorado Plateau. While these areas share a primitive desert atmosphere, each retains its own character.
Hours of operation:
January 1 to February 12: Thursday through Monday 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. Closed Tuesday and Wednesday, February 13 to December 31: Monday through Sunday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. Closed December 25.
Entrance fee (or National Park pass) must be paid to access the penny cards. Entrance fee is $30 per vehicle.
Free entrance dates for 2022 are: Monday, January 17 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Saturday, April 16 First Day of?National Park Week, Thursday, August 4 Anniversary of the Great American Outdoors Act, Saturday, September 24?National Public Lands Day, Friday, November 11? Veterans Day.
Plenty of free parking.
1" mini-tokens ($1.00 each plus tax), four pre-packaged 1" mini-tokens ($3.96 each plus tax) and a Peaks, Plateau and Canyons of the Colorado Plateau Collectible mini-token book ($4.99 plus tax) are for sale in the gift shop.
There is no penny machine, only a pre-rolled zinc penny on a card.
Cost of pre-pressed penny: $1.50 (plus tax) each design. There are 2 penny designs, each on an individual card. Designs all have a beaded border:
1. (H) The Needles with Canyonlands National Park .
2. (H) View through Mesa Arch with Canyonlands National Park .
1" mini-token $1.00 each plus tax at the gift shop cash register. Designs:
1) Front: Delicate arch with Delicate Arch / Rear: Arches National Park EST 1971 .
2) Front: Balanced rock with Balanced Rock / Rear: Arches National Park EST 1971 .
3) Front: Mesa arch with Mesa Arch / Rear: Canyonlands National Park EST 1964 .
4) Front: The Needles with The Needles / Rear: Canyonlands National Park EST 1964 .
1" mini-token package of 4 $3.96 each package plus tax at the gift shop cash register. Designs all have cut-outs of the image:
1) Lizard with Canyonlands National Park .
2) Candlestick Tower with Canyonlands National Park Candlestick Tower .
3) Balanced Rock with Arches National Park .
4) Delicate Arch with Arches National Park .
Rear: Reverse image of the front.
G.P.S. coordinates:
Latitude: N38° 27 35.4162" Longitude: W109° 49 15.3048"
Google Maps coordinates: F55H+WJ Moab, Utah
8/2020: 2 smashed pennies on information card. both are Canyonlands National Park. 1 of the pennies is the same one you can get at Arches National Park. 1.50 each. Must pay park fee to get pennies.
01/06/24: Pennies and tokens still sold in shop. Note that Penny 2 is also sold at Arches NP visitor center TSB
Updated Island in the Sky Visitor Center - Liquidine420Updated Island in the Sky Visitor Center - mutyat
mutyat added Island in the Sky Visitor Center to system.