Goody s Soda Fountain
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Designs: 4
Last update: 10-08-2022 22:12:04
10/08/2022- Goodys Soda Fountain is an ice cream, chocolate, and candy store in the heart of iconic Hyde Park- Boise, ID. Hand crank penny press machine.
4 Designs:
(1) V- "One Too Much is Good Enough" with ice cream cone design
(2) V- "State of Idaho w/potatoes"
(3) V- "Hyde Park" monument marker
(4) H- "Boise Downtown Skyline"
Each coin also has "Boise, Idaho" printed on the rim, nothing on the back side.
Machine is right inside the front entrance and presses nice pre-1982 coins (a bit soft as you can still see details of the original penny), can be a bit finicky and pressed coin can get stuck and not come out of the chute. I pressed 8 coins and lost one that did not exit the machine.
Red_Viking208 added Goody s Soda Fountain to system.Added