Pink Pony Ice Cream Shop
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Designs: 4
Last update: 04-02-2019 21:56:16
Address: 471 Park Ave, Boca Grande, FL 33921, USAThe Ice Cream shop is downtown Boca Grande on Gasparilla Island.
The Machine is located downstairs, just inside the entrance. Costs $1.01 per design. Designs are:
1) The Pink pony Boca Grande, FL , Horse eating an Ice Cream cone,
2) Gasparilla Island, Boca Grande, Florida , Island,
3) World s Best Tarpon Fishing, Boca Grande, FL , Tarpon skeleton,
4) Port Boca Grande, Lighthouse 1890 , the image of the lighthouse
Additionally there is a $6.00 bridge toll to get to Boca Grande - CeeJaythegillion added Pink Pony Ice Cream Shop to system.