Smithsonian National Postal Museum
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Designs: 4
Last update: 12-05-2018 12:34:08
Address: 2 Massachusetts Ave NE, Washington, DC 20002, USAOn the lower level of the museam, across from the gift shop, there s one machine with 4 designs. There are free post cards on the ground floor, and a post office in the gift shop (lower level). If you bring a small piece of plastic wrap, you can wrap the penny, tape it to the post card, and mail it to your penny pal from the gift shop post office.
8/27/21 - Machine is rolling well all 4 Designs. Postal Museum just reopened from COVID - dmward1978Updated Smithsonian National Postal Museum - VidSon
Updated Smithsonian National Postal Museum - VidSon
Updated Smithsonian National Postal Museum - VidSon
thegillion added to system.